This product is not available for new orders. We recommend ordering: CR300,CR310.
CR200X Datalogger
Services Available


El CR200X es un datalogger de bajo coste, fiable y de poco consumo. Compacto y adecuado para aplicaciones donde hay que medir pocas señales de sensores. Funciona muy bien en ubicaciones remotas para aplicaciones autónomas en adquisición de datos.

El datalogger utiliza el mismo lenguaje de programación que nuestros otros dataloggers, de forma que su funcionamiento es extremadamente flexible.

Note: End-of-Life Product: For new projects, the CR300-series dataloggers are recommended instead of the CR200X-series dataloggers. The CR300-series dataloggers build on the successful features of the CR200X-series dataloggers, while adding new features. The CR200X-series dataloggers will continue to be available for customers with existing CR200X networks until 16 January 2018.

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Ventajas y características

  • Ideal para aplicaciones como energía eólica, distribución aguas, nivel/flujo agua, acuacultura, calidad del agua
  • El datalogger Campbell Scientific más pequeño y económico
  • Entradas protegidas por tubos de descarga de gas (GDT)
  • Adecuado para medir uno o dos sensores
  • Realiza medidas SDI-12, analógicas, pulsos, cierre de contactos y tipo puente
  • Reloj salvaguardado por pila interna, lo cual permite tener en hora el datalogger aunque no haya alimentación externa
  • Programable con LoggerNet, PC400, o Short Cut
  • Soporta protocolos PakBus, Modbus y SDI-12


CR200x standard view top
CR200x standard view bottom
CR200x standard view front
CR200x standard view iso
CR200x standard view left
CR200x standard view right

Descripción detallada

El CR200X dispone de dos canales contadores de pulsos, cinco canales analógicos de entrada simples, dos puertos digitales I/O, puerto RS-232 y dos canales de excitación en voltaje.

Puede medir una amplia variedad de sensores y también soporta dispositivos SDI-12. No soporta medidas diferenciales, ni dispositivos SDM, ni multiplexores o termopares.

La máxima velocidad de muestreo es de 1Hz, con 512Kb de memoria para almacenamiento. Dispone de tres años de garantía.

Preguntas frecuentes

Número de FAQs relacionadas con CR200X: 35

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  1. Current dataloggers compatible with the BMP5 Direct SDK are the CR200X-series, CR1000, CR3000, CR800, and CR850.

    Retired compatible dataloggers include the CR10X-PB, CR23X-PB, and CR510-PB. These dataloggers must have the optional PakBus operating system installed, which is available on the Downloads page of our website.

  2. Not directly. If the CS15-L is connected to a CR200(X) datalogger, the datalogger can take the ac measurement and control a solid-state relay based on some threshold within the datalogger program. The solid-state relay can then control other relays, solenoids, or motor starters. (Use of a solid-state relay is preferred because the datalogger can trigger it with a small 5 Vdc mA signal.) For more information, see the “Measurement and Control Peripherals” section of the operator’s manual.

  3. Yes. The simplest method is to use conditional program statements that execute most of the code based on time. For example, the data could be scheduled to log at 6 a.m. and finish at 8 p.m. using CRBasic instructions such as IfTime(). Another option is to use an IfThen/EndIf construction that does a logical test of light-level measurements based on a light sensor. An additional option is to use calculated sunrise and sunset times along with a combination of RealTime() and Case instructions.

    For more information, see the “Decisions, Decisions, Decisions…” article. 

  4. Technically, the SRM-5A is compatible with the CR200X-series dataloggers, but it is more complicated to use it with these dataloggers. To use a SRM-5A with a CR200X-series datalogger, the SRM-5A must be in the DTE position on the station modem. In addition, user-supplied adapters and gender changers are needed to complete the connections between the SRM-5A and the RS-232 port of the datalogger. Contact Campbell Scientific for more information.

  5. A data logger can be programmed to initiate data transfer by using the SendVariables() or ModemCallback() instruction in CRBasic. 

    NOTE: These instructions are not supported in the CR200X operating system.

  6. No, because it would not work. The SC32B is used to do the following:

    • Convert datalogger logic levels (on the CS I/O port) to RS-232 levels 
    • Optically isolate the datalogger from the RS-232 peripheral 
  7. The available COM ports listed in the COM Port drop-down menu are supplied to PC400 by the Windows Operating  System (OS). If there are no COM ports shown for selection, it most likely means that there are no COM ports registered with the Windows OS. This can be confirmed using the Windows Device Manager (Control Panel | Device Manager | Ports).

    Most modern laptops are not equipped with native RS-232 COM ports. In this situation, a USB-to-RS-232 adapter cable must be used to connect to the datalogger. Even when the drivers for this device have been properly installed, the derived COM port will not be shown for selection until the cable is attached to the laptop.

  8. They use the same protocol, but the CR800 PakBus protocol is less limited in its capability.

  9. If small amounts of data are transferred per transmission, it will not be a problem. Larger amounts of data can overrun buffers in the modem, causing lost data. In that situation, lower the baud rate on the datalogger to avoid the issue.

  10. If the automatic clock synchronization option (LoggerNet [version 4] Setup, Datalogger, Clock tab) is used, do not set the Allowed Clock Deviation too tight (for example, 1 s), as the PC will try to change the clock either because of drift in its own clock or because of delays in the communication from the PC to the datalogger. If the clock is updated too often, there is the risk of the datalogger skipping records if the time is pushed forward just before it is supposed to store data.

    Although most PCs are usually synchronized with Internet time, the default update time is several days, and a PC can typically drift tens of seconds in that period.

    Clock issues also appear when changing to or from daylight saving time, as the datalogger does not automatically adjust for DST. Data continuity can be maintained by keeping datalogger clocks on standard time.

    In addition, if the datalogger’s internal 3 V battery is bad and the datalogger’s main 12 V power supply is cycled, the datalogger’s clock will reset to a default time.


Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.

Medida y Control

Producto Compatible Nota


Producto Compatible Nota
05103-45-L (retired)
110PV (retired)
237 (retired)
CS11-L (retired)
CS215-L (retired)
CS300 (retired)
CS475 (retired)
CS475A (retired)
CS476 (retired)
CS477 (retired)
CS526-L (retired)
CS625 (retired)
CSAT3 (retired)
ENVIROSCAN (retired)
HC2S3 (retired)
OBS-3+ (retired)
OBS300 (retired)
OBS500 (retired)
OBS501 (retired)
SR50A-L (retired)
WXT520 (retired)


Producto Compatible Nota
LoggerNet Version 2.1 or higher
PC200 (retired)
PC400 Version 1.0 or higher
Short Cut


Producto Compatible Nota
CMP6 (retired)
VISUALWEATHER Version 2 or higher

Información de compatibilidad adicional


El CR200X puede comunicar con el PC por conexión directa, interface Ethernet NL201, interface Wi-Fi NL240, por RS485 mediante MD485, y por telefonía móvil. Los datos pueden visualizarse mediante un móvil/tablet  iOS o Android, teclado-display CD295 DataView II, o una PDA. Para usarlo con un dispositivo iOS o Android, debe descargarse la App LoggerLink desde Apple Store o Google Play

Periféricos de medida y control

El CR200X no es compatible con dispositivos SDM ni multiplexores.


El CR200X puede medir variedad de sensores incluyendo sensores SDI-12 y señales 4-20 mA. No puede medir en modo diferencial y tampoco es compatible con los siguientes sensores: hielo/lluvia helada, temperatura y humedad del combustible, GPS, tiempo presente, flujo de calor en suelo, potencial de agua mátrico en suelo, galgas extensiométricas, termopares, RTDs.


Las aplicaciones con poco consumo pueden utilizar la caja ENC200 para albergar el datalogger y la batería recargable #16869. En la caja ENC200 no caben un barómetro o batería mayor que la #16869. Sin embargo, es habitual utilizar las cajas ENC10/12 o ENC12/14 en la mayoría de aplicaciones que incluyen CR200X.

Fuentes alimentación

El CR200X requiere una fuente de alimentación externa, aunque incluye un regulador de carga. Si se utiliza el regulador de carga, la batería recargable debe ser de máximo 7Ahr. Si se utilizan baterías de mayor capacidad, la circuitería interior se calentará excesivamente. Esto será un problema si se produce una descarga profunda de la batería o hay alguna celda cortocircuitada. Campbell Scientific también recomienda que los paneles solares utilizados no superen los 10W y que los transformadores a 220Vac utilizados no superen 1A.


-NOTA- Note: Additional specifications are listed in the CR200X-Series Specifications Sheet.
Velocidad muestreo máxima 1 Hz
Analog Channels
  • The single-ended analog inputs can also be used as control ports.
  • 5 single-ended (no differential) individually configured
Pulse Count Channels 2
Canales excitación conmutables 2 voltage
Puertos digitales
  • Certain digital ports can be used to count switch closures.
  • 2 I/O
Communication Ports 1 RS-232
Switched Battery Port 1
Rango voltaje entrada 0 to 2500 mV
Precisión medida voltaje ±(0.25% of reading + (1.2 mV)x(offset)) at -40° to +50°C
Analog Voltage Resolution 0.6 mV
Bits conversor A/D 12
Temperatura funcionamiento -40° to +50°C
Alimentación 7 to 16 Vdc
Typical Current Drain
  • ~0.2 mA (quiescent)
  • ~3 mA (active)
Precisión reloj
  • 8.2 min./month (@ -40° to +50°C)
  • 1 min./month (@ +25°C)
Protocolos soportados PakBus (leaf node only), SDI-12
Cumplimiento estandares CE según conformidad declarada IEC61326:2002
Garantía 3 years
Dimensiones 14.0 x 7.6 x 4.8 cm (5.5 x 3.0 x 1.9 in.)
Peso 242 g (8.5 oz)


Final Storage 512 kB of flash memory for approximately 125,000 data points
Sistema operativo 106 kB of flash memory
Intermediate Storage 8 kB of SRAM for communication buffers, calculations, variables, etc.


CR200X Series OS v.04 (1.29 MB) 22-09-2015

Execution of this download installs the Operating System and Compiler on your computer for the following dataloggers:CR200X, CR206X, CR211X, CR216X and CR295X.  It also updates the support files for the CRBasic Editor.  

Note: Newer CR206X dataloggers (serial # ≥ 19122) and newer CR211X dataloggers (serial # ≥ 19143) have 250 mW radios that must use OS 3 or higher for their datalogger operating system.

Historial revisiones

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