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La OBS-3+ es una sonda sumergible con ópticas laterales para medir la turbidez . Utiliza la tecnología OBS® para medir los sólidos en suspensión y turbidez, en aplicaciones que van desde monitorización de la calidad de agua en ríos y riachuelos hasta el transporte de sedimentos y dragados. Los dataloggers Campbell Scientific miden la salida de la sonda y calculan la turbidez.
Leer másThe OBS-3+ uses its sideways-facing optics to emit a near-infrared light into the water. It then measures the light that bounces back from the water’s suspended particles.
If an obstruction is in the emitted light’s range, the light will scatter back and the turbidity reading will be too high. This probe's sideways-facing optics avoids obstructions above and below the probe. The OBS300 is available for locations that have obstructions around the sides of the probe.
OBS® is a registered trademark of Campbell Scientific.
Número de FAQs relacionadas con OBS-3+: 28
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The most significant difference between backscatter and side-scatter measurements is the sample volume. A backscatter sensor has a much larger sample volume that helps measure higher turbidity values. The smaller sample volume of side-scatter sensors works better at lower turbidities.
This application note contains information regarding biological and chemical fouling.
It used to be that NTUs were the unit for all turbidity sensors. In 2007, an ASTM committee formed and established different units for each category of turbidity sensor technology, and there are many. Backscatter sensors such as the OBS-3+ and the OBS501 have units of FBU (Formazin Backscatter Units), whereas ISO 7027 side-scatter sensors have units of FNU (Formazin Nephelometric Units). The side-scatter OBS501 and the ClariVue™ sensors are part of this category. While sensors of different technical designs can be calibrated and measure Formazin the same, they will not make the same measurement in natural waters where size, shape, color, reflectivity, etc., of the particles vary. The ClariVue™ sensor measurements will not match the OBS-3+ measurements in natural waters.
Read this application note to learn more about the effect of drying and grinding sediment for calibration.
This application note provides a description of infrared-emitting diodes, laser diodes, photodiodes, daylight filters, and operating spectra.
The application note includes results of tests on dissolved organic and inorganic NIR-absorbing substances in the environment.
This application note shows sample calibrations for sand, silt, and clay.
This application note provides an introduction to light absorption, scattering, and attenuation, as well as other optical properties that affect OBS sensors.
This application note provides general information about sediment sensors, light sources and detectors, optical designs, applications, and turbidity standards.
Read this application note to learn about SSC turbidity relationships.
Range |
Maximum Submersion Depth |
Concentration Accuracy |
Maximum Concentration Range |
Operating Temperature Range | 0° to 40°C |
Drift over Time | < 2% per year |
Maximum Data Rate | 10 Hz |
Minimum Warm-up Time | 2 s |
Infrared Wavelength | 850 nm ±5 nm |
Daylight Rejection | -28 dB (re: 48 mW/cm-2) |
Optical Power | 2000 µW |
Turbidity Accuracy | 2% of reading or 0.5 NTU (whichever is larger) |
Housing Material | 316 stainless steel or titanium |
Connector | MCBH-5-FS, wet-pluggable |
Diameter | 2.5 cm (0.98 in.) |
Height | 14.7 cm (5.79 in.) |
Weight | 181.4 g (0.4 lb) |
-2.5 Output Option |
Output Voltage | 0 to 2.5 V (over selected NTU range) |
Supply Voltage | 5 to 15 Vdc |
Current Drain | 15 mA |
-5 Output Option |
Output Voltage | 0 to 5 V (over selected NTU range) |
Supply Voltage | 5 to 15 Vdc |
Current Drain | 15 mA |
-20 Output Option |
Output Voltage | 4 to 20 mA (over selected NTU range) |
Supply Voltage | 9 to 15 Vdc |
Current Drain | 45 mA |
Nota: lo siguiente muestra información de compatibilidad notable. No es una lista de todos los productos compatibles.