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Changing TableFile Names

ed Nov 20, 2022 12:31 PM


I have a program on a CR3000 running which is writing every 30 mins multiple files to the SD-Card using the LoggerNet file retrieval which generates new names (adding date) to the files. Now I want most of the files as daily files. So I inserted a routine in the program which renames the table files every day. The Loggernet File retrieval is set to append the retrieved data to the files when getting them every 30 mins. This routine works on a 1000x, but in this combination it does not write Files and skips most of the scans.

Here is the link to the program: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jshpd9pqhzxtn8p/Jambi_CR3000_20221119.CR3?dl=0

Maybe someone has an idea whts wrong with it



JDavis Nov 21, 2022 09:59 PM

The processor in the CR1000X is much faster. Maybe the CR3000 is just not fast enough to finish the code in time.

ed Nov 22, 2022 06:41 AM


thanks for the idea. In the meantime I checked the program and found out that the TableFile options parameter "64" opens and closes the tablefile each time it rites data. Thats too much for 10Hz, so I changed it to "TOB1" which holds the File open all time. This works fine.



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