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FreeWave DGR-115R conneting to CR1000

clapp Jul 25, 2017 09:59 PM

I am trying to connect a CR1000 to a computer running PC200W using two freewave radios.

The radios are DGR-115R's

I am able to connect the CR1000 directly to a computer running PC200W with a serial cable, run a program and see that the instruments are working.

I am also able to connect the radios using two computers running a hyperteminal and can send text back and forth. 

One radio is set to point to multipoint slave and the other point to multipoint master.  I am connecting the multipoint slave radio to the CR1000 with a null modem and the other multipoint master radio to the computer running PC200W.  I cannot get the CR1000 to connect to the software. 

Any help achieving a connection is appreciated, Thanks

clapp Aug 9, 2017 07:57 PM

I was able to come up with a solution while working directly with a Campbell sci tech.

I have connection line of sight to my tower using freewave radios.

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