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Animated gif

Makada Feb 28, 2017 10:01 AM

Hi all,

I cant get an animated gif picture to refresh. 

Its updated every 5 or so minutes,  but isnt updated in my rtmc pro screen...

ChipsNSalsa Mar 1, 2017 11:15 PM

What do you mean "It's updated every 5 or so minutes"? I'm assuming you mean the file is overwritten with a new image. RTMC Run-time does support animated GIFs, but I don't believe you'll be able to overwrite the image file with a new image using the same file name while RTMC Pro Development or RTMC Run-time is running and accessing the image. If you can serialize the image file names in some way, like




and then use a file mask like


for the file name in the image component, and also set some reasonable refresh interval in the image component, that should work. RTMC Run-time will display the most recent image (based on file timestamp) that matches the file mask.

Makada Mar 2, 2017 06:09 AM

Im using seqdownload software which saves the animated gif from this animated gif url: http://weerdata.weerslag.nl/image/1.0/?size=ani-8-SatellietBuienRadar-550x550&type=Freecontent&v=36155432

It overwrites the file every 5 minutes with the same name (ive given it my own name) and should be updated in rtmc pro.

I dont know how to use the mask youre talking about.

As a side note: when i use the URL above directly in the URL field (layout,  image ) it doesnt work either.



Makada Jun 1, 2017 07:19 PM

Someone can shine a Light at this, im not familiair with masks.....

ChipsNSalsa Jun 1, 2017 09:59 PM

It looks to me like the SeqDownloader application supports serialising files. Turn off the "Save to the same filename every time" option and instead select either

"Format the filename according to download date/time"

If you select this option, the downloaded filename is the combination of the prefix and the format of the current date/time.
For example: If the filename prefix is "MyFile", the file extension is "GIF", the date/time format is "yyyymmdd-hhnn", and the filename is downloaded on 10/10/2003 at 12:21, the final filename will be "MyFile20031010-1221.gif"


"Format the filename with counter"

If you select this option, the downloaded filename is the combination of the prefix and a counter, which increases by one in each download. The "Leading Zeros" field determines the minimum number of digits in the counter.
For example: If the filename prefix is "MyFile", the file extension is "GIF", the "Leading Zeros" value is 3, and the current counter value is 5, the final filename will be "MyFile005.gif"

Given the above examples, the file name mask you would use in the File Name field of the Image component in RTMC Pro would be


Makada Jun 2, 2017 07:51 AM

Thats working, but the folder in which the gif Is stored gets full with Those gif files.

They are 2mb each....

ChipsNSalsa Jun 2, 2017 03:35 PM

Run a batch file like this periodically with LoggerNet Task Master or Windows Task Scheduler.

rem Usage
rem DelOldFiles.BAT <path> <searchmask> <days>
rem Example: DelOldFiles.BAT "C:\Campbellsci\LoggerNet" "57West*.jpg" 3
rem Will delete all files in the specified path matching the specified
rem search mask that are older than or equal to the current date minus
rem the number of days specified.
forfiles -p%1 -m%2 -c"cmd /c del @FILE" -d-%3

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