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CH200 Battery Test State - Qloss Reset to 0 After Completion of Test?

Terrapin Oct 2, 2018 09:21 PM

I'm working on some code to put an AGM battery into Battery Test State through a CH200 for several days.  The goal is to generate a sufficiently large enough Qloss value so that the battery will enter into Cycle Charging instead of Float (assuming enough sunlight for the solar panel is present) to force desulfation of the battery plates. 

However, I'm noticing that at the end of my Battery Test period (midnight after n days of Battery Test), Qloss is set to 0 instead of holding the current value.  Does the the CH200 force a reset of Qloss when transitioning from Battery Test?  I've looked though the manual and can't find any mention of this.  Thanks.

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