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.dat file to Wuhu

Makada Jun 3, 2018 07:48 PM


I would like to have my .dat file read by Wuhu software to upload to weather underground. 

Ive got a cr1000 datalogger and should be compatible with Wuhu.

I would like to know what should be written in the .dat file to work with Wuhu.

Maybe someone got an example.

Makada Jun 4, 2018 05:21 PM


How can get the data below in the data position corresponding the number before the Data?

For example: 

6 Temperature F has to be in data position 6 and so on.... 

6 Temperature °F
7 Dew Point Temp °F
8 Relative Humidity %
9 Wind Avg Speed mph
10 Wind Avg Dir °N
12 Max Wind Gust mph
14 Solar Radiation KW/m²
15 Absolute pressure mb
16 Relative pressure mb
23 Precip since midnight In
24 Precip last hour In
25 Precip last 24 hours In
26 Precip since 7/1 Inch

Makada Jun 6, 2018 11:37 AM
like so?

Dim WxData(27)
 WxData() = NAN 
WxData(6) = Temperature °F
WxData(7) = Dew Point Temp °F
WxData(8) = Relative Humidity %
WxData(9) = Wind Avg Speed mph
WxData(10) = Wind Avg Dir °N
WxData(12) = Max Wind Gust mph
WxData(14) = Solar Radiation KW/m²
WxData(15) = Absolute pressure mb
WxData(16) = Relative pressure mb
WxData(23) = Precip since midnight In
WxData(24) = Precip last hour In
WxData(25) = Precip last 24 hours In
WxData(26) = Precip since 7/1 Inch

Makada Jun 7, 2018 02:56 PM

Let me explain a bit more.

I want my .dat file to output an array compatible CSV file.

Thats the part i understand.

But i need to change the order where the data is stored in a certain CSV column.

E.g. in column 6 in the csv file the temperature needs to be stored, etc.

Makada Jun 8, 2018 09:34 AM


heres an example of the data order, but i want it every minute;



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