In 2003 Intermountain Environmental was contracted to install a simple SCADA system for the town of Elsinore, Utah. Elsinore is a small town near Richfield in central Utah.

Elsinore has interconnected water tanks located on the bench of a nearby mountain. The project was to control three separate pumps, within the town, based upon the water level in the tanks.

To accomplish this, there is a display and CR10KD keypad located on the master CR10X station in one pump house. The town water master has the ability to designate when each pump turns on or off based upon the level in the tanks. The level can be set by entering the desired set points into the CR10KD keypad.

Each pump can also be manually turned on from the main control panel. The tank has a CR200 datalogger and a pressure transducer. The CR200 communicates with the CR10X over a short haul modem connection. The CR10X regulates the three separate pumps based upon the user-defined set points.

Resumen casos de aplicación


Automating municipal water supply


Elsinore, Utah

Productos utilizados



Josh Hanks, Intermountain Environmental

Empresas participantes

Town of Elsinore Utah

Parámetros medidos

Water level in water tanks

Dispositivos controlados



Intermountain Environmental