Cómo podemos ayudarle

Campbell Scientific systems are used in the oil and gas industry to monitor and control pumping facilities, as well as to monitor slope stability, water resources, weather, air quality, and equipment performance. Our rugged, low-power instruments are used worldwide, even in harsh, remote locations. Campbell data loggers can use various types of input, and they can output data and alarms via most communication methods.

Learn about our patented VSPECT® spectral-analysis technology at our VSPECT® Essentials web resource.

The dynamic vibrating-wire measurement technique is protected under U.S. Patent No. 8,671,758, and the vibrating-wire spectral-analysis technology (VSPECT®) is protected under U.S. Patent No. 7,779,690.


Sistema a medida

Además de nuestros sistemas estándar, muchos de los sistemas que comercializamos son personalizables y adaptables a sus necesidades. Díganos que necesita y le ayudamos a configurar el sistema de medida que se ajuste a sus necesidades.

Integradores y Distribuidores

The following is a list of companies that have developed expertise in our products and provide consulting, installation, and other services for petroleo y gas applications.

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