idaho water engineering, llc

Información de contacto

2918 N. El Rancho Place
Boise, ID 83704

Teléfono: 208.378.1513

Company Introduction

Idaho Water Engineering (IWE) designs, assembles, installs, and maintains environmental monitoring systems that integrate Campbell Scientific products. IWE’s core services relate to water resources; however, our installed systems also include weather and environmental research. We install and maintain groundwater level and flow monitoring systems, as well as irrigation canal and natural channel stream gages. IWE uses its ADCP instruments to collect instantaneous flow measurements in wadeable channels. Measurements in non-wadeable canals and streams are made with its boat-mounted instrument. These flow measurements are used to maintain stage-discharge rating curves, as well as seepage and aquifer recharge studies. IWE maintains web-based data portals for its clients that allow for data visualization and access.

Areas servicio

Todos los estados de US

Aplicaciones compatibles

Environmental Research Surface Water Monitoring Instrumentation
Water Quality

Certified Campbell Scientific Partner